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Canyon Oaks Sportsman's Club, Inc.


About Canyon Oaks Sportsman's Club

Welcome to The Canyon Oaks Sportsman's Club, the finest shooting clubs in Los Angeles County California offering a variety of shooting disciplines for the honorable sportsman and sportswomen of the community.

The land was originally acquired through the Homestead Act by the Earb family and was established as a farm for a variety of land-stock such as cattle, sheep, goats and other small farm animals. In its brief history, the land has seen the likes of Hollywood Movie stars from the '40's sharing its spot on the big screen with moments from the film "Sergeant York".

During the course of WWII, part of the land was rented to the United States Military as a practice and training facility. Following the end of the war came with it the formation of the upper and lower ranges. The Earb family leased the land that encompassed the Upper Range to the Gas Company while the Lower Range was owned by the United States Forestry Service. This was the beginning of the Angeles Sportsman's Club in 1946.

It was during this time that the range was made accessible with smooth roads to traverse through the uneven terrain. Many structures were also built and added upon one another that is still in use today. One may still find what is left of the original pavement scattered amongst the raw dusty soil of the land venturing to COSC.




Begin Membership Application Here


Eventually, the Lower Range land was acquired by the Gas Co. from the US Forestry Service through a local county land swap. It was not long thereafter in 1993 that the lease for upper range expired with the Gas Co and was then leased to the Angeles Sportsman's Club.

Then in 1996, an opportunity arose to purchase the Upper Range from the Earb family as well as the Lower Range from the Gas Co. and thus Canyon Land Corporation was formed compiling of Crescenta Valley, Panorama, Gopher Flats, San Fernando, and of course, Canyon Oaks Sportsman's Club.

Working Man's Club

COSC is a "Working Man's Club", which means that we have no hired help or full-time care-takers to groom the well being of property & the land. Every member is required and expected to do their share of some work within the course of the each year.

These fun filled activities might include anyone of these:

  • Chef for a lunch or dinner cooking away
  • Assisting in the organizing of an event
  • Pitching in for a work party
  • Special Club Projects (Creek Fire Repairs & Restorations)
  • and much, much more...

Without this dedication and commitment, the club would cease to exist. So we thank each and every one of you for fulfilling your support and commitments to one another.

The right to keep and bear arms in the United States is a fundamental right protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights, and by the constitutions of most U.S. states. The Second Amendment declares:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In the United States, which has an English common law tradition, the concept of a right to keep and bear arms was recognized prior to the creation of a written national constitution.

When colonists in the Thirteen Colonies rebelled against British control during the American Revolution they cited the 1689 English Bill of Rights as an example.


General membership meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at the clubhouse.

There you will learn that each member of COSC is typically either a Lifetime National Rifle Association member or maintains membership with the NRA.

This is a part of all new applications for membership upon submission to Canyon Oaks Sportsman's Club.
